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What is the Green and Gold Booster Club?

The Green and Gold Booster Club is responsible for raising $45,000 each year to offset the sports and activities budgets at Nativity BVM High School. This is done by a variety of fundraising.

$35,000 is raised by our annual $20,000 raffle, bingos, basket auction, gift card calendar and other fundraisers.

$10,000 is raised through the School Store and Certificate Program. The School Store sells spirit wear, uniforms and snacks during the lunch hours. The Certificate Program is easy to use and also is run through the school store. Contact Sue Eckley at the school store with any questions. You will earn tuition credit through the purchase of certificates which comes directly off your tuition.

The money is given directly to the school and is credited towards the expenses of running the sports programs as well as activities at the school.

The cost to educate the students each year increases and is more than what is paid in tuition. The money raised by Green and Gold is important as it helps to keep tuition payments down and to gives the opportunity to students to participate in many sports and activities.

We look forward to meeting the new parents and making new friends every school year!

Green and Gold Booster Club Committee Members

Diane Yaneck

Chuck Kustan

Christine Shellhammer

Cathy Winter

Amanda Rymarkiewicz-Bobella

Green and Gold Certificate Program

The Nativity Green and Gold Certificate Program is a great way to help pay for tuition and fees at Nativity High School.  In addition, the Green and Gold Booster Club benefits with a contribution towards the $10,000  the school store and certificate program contribute and ultimately the $45,000 given to the school to offset sports and activities budgets.

For Example:
Giant Food Stores gives 5% back of every dollar purchased in certificates.  2.5% will be taken off your tuition and 2.5% will be given to the school through the Green and Gold.  As you can see, if you use the certificates to buy groceries, gas, oil, or restaurant certificates you can save a great deal of money on tuition.   Get your families and co-workers involved!

Gift Certificate List

Green and Gold 2024 Raffle

Congratulations to Nik Steele, winner of this year’s $500.00 Green and Gold tuition award.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s raffle a success. The proceeds will help support athletics and activities at Nativity BVM High School.

Nativity BVM High School  •  One Lawtons Hill  •  Pottsville, PA 17901  •  570.622.8110

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